Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Cordless phone blamed for house fire


Published Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The fire at Susan Harmony's house on Grandview Street made Police Beat on Nov. 14.

But, as is the case with many Police Beat items, there is more to the story. In fact, this story still is in progress.

Susan had not been gone from home more than a few minutes when the fire started. The cause apparently was a cordless phone that wasn't settled properly in its cradle. The phone arced and started the fire in the kitchen. Though the fire began in the kitchen, damage was widespread throughout the small house.

(continued at link)

1 comment:

Mike Dayoub said...

I have never heard of arcing over those relatively low voltages used by the charger contacts. I suspect the charger itself was faulty. I am betting the SmokeShutoff could have prevented this fire.